Good morning! I got a later start than usual because I spilled a full tumbler of water on my desktop. My cursing scared the cats. My desktop is a little crowded, so I was quickly moving items to the floor before I ran for a towel. Then because the desktop was clean, I got out the Old English and gave the desk its annual “oiling.” I had to toss a couple of notepads, and I’m drying some photos with paperweights to flatten them back out. I don’t need that kind of excitement. Isn’t it sad that soaking my desk constitutes excitement in my life?
Anyways, work is coming along. I didn’t get to write any new pages yesterday, but I made great progress on an editing job. I also played with paint, which was my day’s shining highlight. I’m sharing one of the results below. Sorry, I know you’re readers and would rather hear about books, but this is my blog and my life. So there! ๐
Open Contests
- Anna Taylor Sweringen/Michal Scott: A Phoenix Rising from the Ashes โ Hannah Elias (Contest) —ย This one ends soon!ย Win an Amazon gift card!
- Saturday Puzzle-Contest! Happy World Pangolin Day! — Win an Amazon gift card!
- Sunday Tarot (Contest) — Win a hand-painted bookmark!
- Gabbi Black: Romances Around the World! (Contest) — Win a FREE book!
- Little Update, Minimal Whining, and Giveaway Reminder! — This offer ends soon! Everyone, pick up your free copy right now!
- Sliding-Puzzle Challenge: Woman Fleeing Dragon (Contest) — Win an Amazon gift certificate!
I promise not to share my art every day, but I’m at the start of the 100-day challenge, and I’m excited!
#100DayProject — Day 2
Broken hand…splint in the way…what could I do? I decided to get out the Gelli plates and used my daughter’s wilting flowers to smash into paint and see what I could get. I love this. The picture doesn’t do it justice. There’s so much detail in the chrysanthemums’ petals. Plus, there’s glare from the overhead light, so you can’t really see the depth of color (magenta, Indian yellow, cadmium orange). For most of my monoprints, I only plan to cut them up for collaging, but I’m tempted to cut a larger section of this to glue to a piece of thick art paper and frame it. But it will need a title. Any suggestions?ย
Fire. That is the first thing I thought of when I saw it
May I suggest you use a tumbler that comes with a lid for your drinks around your work station. Make sure the lids donโt pop off or leak when the fall over. I use a 32 oz Tupperware tumbler. I snap that lid closed after every sip.
I like it as is… it is cool!
To me it says “Fireworks”
Autumn’s End or Autumn Midnight. Reminds me of gold and red leaves and drying flowers. Nature’s last burst of color before the white and gray of winter.
My first thought was that it reminds me of the bright reds & oranges you see when driving down the highway in the fall & look to the trees along the highway. Especially areas that are heavily wooded.
Autumn splendour.
It’s great to read about all the aspects, the ups and downs of your life. We can’t talk/read about books everyday. Even though it’s what we live and breathe for. There are other interests that make us who we are. Love it ๐
Autumn Brilliance
I like it when you share your art here! I’m always admonishing my hubby for not having a lid on his drink when working on his computer. He once ruined the keyboard on a laptop after spilling his drink on it. He had to use and external keyboard from then on. Fortunately he didn’t really travel with the laptop so it wasn’t too inconvenient.
I like the idea of using “Autumn” in the title. And I really like “Autumn Fire.” Thanks for the suggestions!