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Archive for April 17th, 2024

Word Search: Another cloudy day… (Contest)
Wednesday, April 17th, 2024

UPDATE: The winner is…Jennifer Beyer!

I’ve lived in a lot of places where the locals say, “If you don’t like the weather, wait…” Because in those places, the weather is very changeable. Now, I live in Arkansas, which changes on the daily because of the warmth coming off the Gulf and the cooler air coming from Canada. Our poor newscasters can only guess which front will be stronger. This week is shaping up to be a rainy week, although, today, we may get a bit of a break before thunderstorms move back in tomorrow.

I love storms. I love the rain. My daughter…not so much because she or my SIL will be mowing following a good soaking. I like the sound of the rain, the rumble of the thunder—the drama, I guess.

I’ve been a lover of clouds forever. We were all kids who looked for shapes in clouds. In the summer, I love nothing better than floating in the pool with my sunglasses on as I look for shapes. I’ve written about aeromancy—divination using cloud shapes. I’m a water baby, and clouds are made of H2O. How could I not love them and not be affected by them?

So, because it’s cloudy again outside (fat, gray cumulus clouds), but the forecast (for now) says it’s going to be clear, clouds and rain and lightning are on my mind. Hence this word puzzle. Sorry, not sorry. 🙂

For a chance to win a $5 Amazon gift card, tell me what your skies look like right now. Gray? Cloudy? Clear? Fluffy? Sketchy? Can you see a shape? Have fun!