Exhaustion hit me last night about eight P.M. I pulled too many later nighters wrapping up some February projects. The problem now is that it’s five in the morning and I’m wide awake!
Oh, and those projects? Well, one of them is my part in a four-author anthology that I will do my best to get onto Kindle this month for you. Something paranormal-ish. My story features a favorite character from the Immortal Knight series—it’s the dark and brooding Moses Brown’s happy ever after!
I also sent a quickie, one on the longish side, so you’ll have no complaints there (not that you ever grouse!), tentatively entitled Handy Men. My Ellora’s Cave editor has promised to push it through quickly, so hopefully you’ll have that one soon too.
And I know you’ll be excited to know that I have written the latest installment in our Cat Tails story—you know, the one you all have been helping me plot. Poor DiDi is about to find herself in deep doo-doo, but not just yet. Mason has her purring in this chapter.
NOW I can officially start on my March goals—another Lonestar Cowboy, a short urban fantasy, and a BDSM story. Yeah, plenty to keep me busy and burning more of that midnight oil.
In the meantime, I have something sexy to give away. A 2011 calendar chock-full of manly goodness. Post a comment today, and it could be yours!