Hey, did you see? 4-Gone’s #1 at Samhain! Thanks again, for making that happen.
I’m a little tired today. I’ve been working damn hard. In the past week, I finished a book, something I know you’ll like, Five Ways ‘Til Sunday. I wrapped up a short story yesterday, something for my Beastly Babes book for Cleis. Let me just say I invented new ways to enjoy a tiger’s tail. Today, I have to read through and edit more of the BB stories so I can get them back to the authors. I really, really want to put Beastly Babes to bed by next week. But of course, I have to be writing too. Something sexy. I owe an editor at Samhain a follow-up to True Heart, and she’ll come after me if I don’t give it to her soon. 🙂
So you’ll understand if I’m not as chatty as usual, right? I do need some help though. The next Cleis collection I have to turn my attention to is The Cowboy. That was always a tentative title. My editor there likes two titles I proposed, and wanted me to ask y’all what you thought. Keep in mind, these are sexy, hetero cowboy stories.
Which title do you prefer for an anthology of erotic cowboy stories?
- Studs 'n' Spurs (69%, 47 Votes)
- I Like My Cowboys Naked (31%, 21 Votes)
Total Voters: 68

This poll ends tomorrow!
I voted for Studs and Spurs, but they’re both fine titles for an anthology about hot cowboys 😉
I like em naked!
Also When I see Studs ‘n’ spurs I think of Cat Johnsons’ Studs in Spurs series 😉
YAY!!! Congrats on being #1
I voted I Like My Cowboys Naked.
Like Nicole said the other reminds me of Cat Johnson’s series.
I voted Studs and Spurs because the other one is likely to get hidden away on book shelves due to the ‘graphic’ nature of the title 😉 *likes the idea of not hiding books*
I like both of the titles. I voted for Studs ‘n’ Spurs.
studs’n’spurs for sure. i like it better than the other, it sounds a bit more country too.
both are great but I picked naked because of Cat’s series too…don’t want confusion 😉 Plus what better way to have a cowboy than naked 😆
Voted for Studs ‘n Spurs.
Question: Would a naked man really want to
be wearing spurs? Just askin’!
Pat C.
“I like my Cowboys naked”
Congrats! for 4-Gone
Take a little break too. 😛
Well, Cat has a series called that? Well, this has been a wasted excerise then!!!! Crap. Back to square one.
I voted for Studs ‘n Spurs, but I do prefer my cowboys almost naked. A hat and some chaps, OMG…ok gotta go, I am drooling now. 😉
You could name the series Hats and Chaps!
I went with studs n spurs but I wish both had been an option!
Congrats! Both titles are great, and I also like Lorraine’s suggestion…Not much help am I? LOL
Oh yummy what a mental picture that is, hats and chaps, wow. 😈
Studs n Spurs is the better title
I Like My Cowboys Naked 😛