Hey there! I wrote the title of the blog and now “busy as a bee, as a bee” to the tune of “It’s All About the Bass,” is in my head. Anyways, I thought I’d poke my head in the door today to say hello. It’s early morning here and I haven’t really woken up. Needz coffeeeeee….. Hear the zombie voice there?
Speaking of zombies… Anyone watching Walking Dead? Wow, what a season so far! So many questions to be answered. I’m still waiting to find out whether that strange scientist dude is really just a crazy who thinks he can save the world. Where’s Beth? What did the preacher do? And now poor Bob…
Walking Dead is filling the void for me now that Outlander is on hiatus. And you ask how a horror-drama based on a comic book can replace a verra sexy Highlander in a kilt? Both take me places. Different places, for sure, but the acting, the action, the story—all those keep me dying to see the next episode.
And workwise? I’ll admit I have been up to my elbows in commitments, both writing-wise and art-wise. This past weekend I participated in an art tour as one of the stops on this scavenger-hunt-like tour where the public moves from one artist’s studio or shop set-up to the next. My dd and I worked hard to be ready with enough stuff—paintings, pendants, and bracelets. We did well, or at least much better than last year. So we’re happy and have plenty of incentive to keep making things. We just need to find more local events to set up a booth at.
Two things happened this weekend during the tour that stood out.
One was a crotchety old woman who was extremely rude to my daughter. First, she told her what she had to put in her shop because it was “expected.” Then she asked her, “Where did you learn to talk like that?” Well, the question itself wouldn’t have been so rude except for her delivery which was cold and snippy while she looked down her nose at Kelly. My daughter just kept smiling and told her she’d moved a lot as a kid, being a military brat. The woman persevered. “But where?” Kelly said she lived many places in the States and in Germany and Ireland. “Well, that explains what’s messin’ up your accent.” Whew!
Okay, so we don’t sound like rednecks! Bite me. I don’t judge you, lady! That’s what I wanted to say, but my daughter has a business to maintain, and then she confessed she gets that a lot. Folks think she’s uppity because she speaks in a neutral, middle America, newscaster’s accent. Rude much, people?
The second thing that stuck out was the “Redneck Flashmob.” Funniest thing ever. I swear, fifteen people came in at the same time, grandma on her walker, men in overalls and Duck Dynasty beards, down to teenagers. They were a cheerful group. I told them they looked like one of those YouTube flashmobs but the only thing missing was the dancing. Of course a few of them gave me a little Twist. 🙂
Great weekend, but now I have to get my head straight again. I have a book to finish by tomorrow night. And I have to pack for a trip to Florida (the NINC conference is there). I’m a little freaked out about flying with this ebola thing going on. But I’ve already paid for the ticket and the conference, the hotel’s on the beach… I have to go, don’t I?