The winner of the free gift certificate is…Donamuree!
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It’s that time of year!
And yes, from my polling earlier this month, I know many of you never make a list of resolutions because you feel as though you’re setting yourselves up for failure, but how about those “soft promises” to yourself?
I’m a list girl. Always have been, and the older I get, I lean on them harder. If it’s not on my list, it’s not on my radar sort of thing. But my lists are usually compiled of very finite goals and almost always aimed at writing projects. So—work-related! Not at all a “soft promise”. So far as those go…
I don’t usually set weight goals because, like many of you, I always let myself down. But when I had a health scare a couple of weeks ago (I’ll say it out loud—I had a mild stroke!), I did some soul-searching and decided: Now, is the time. No waiting for the first. The day after I spent an afternoon in the ER, I ordered a box of Nutrisystem. It was a very mild stroke, transitory. No lasting effects, thank goodness! But I think it was a wake up call. I’m seven pounds down, and while I have no desire to be reed-thin, I do want to feel better, so that’s my goal. Feel better in 2016!
Then there’s the whole smoking thing. Yes, I love nicotine. It’s my drug of choice, or one of them. The other’s caffeine, and there’s no way I can give that up—I’d be comatose at the keyboard. But there’s the whole living thing. All I have to do is think about what it felt like to realize I was slurring my words and feeling muzzy to know something’s got to give, so smoking’s going to give. Already, I’ve cut my daily habit by half.
Then there’s the art thing. Writing is my creative passion, but the past couple of years, it’s felt more like a job. I show up every day at the keyboard and pound out words. I’ve been feeling a little empty, like the creative spark needed a new outlet. I’ve been making jewelry, but it doesn’t always feed my need for color and freedom because wrapping, linking, beading doesn’t feel explosively creative. When I took a zentangle workshop last summer, I felt that burst of creative pleasure. I’ve been experimenting with watercolor and mixed media art, and so, come January, I’m going to keep an art journal for the year and make little dates with myself to fill it up while I practice different approaches to my art education.
Lastly, I want to learn to be a saver. I’m luckier than most in that I won’t have to depend on Social Security when I’m in my dotage. I have a couple of retirements that will kick in when I hit 60, but I’d love to feel more in control, and to take some lavish trips. So, with Iceland and Bora Bora in mind, I’m taking the 52-week savings challenge. It’s small beans, but I hope it will help me learn a little discipline. No, I don’t need another paint brush or the latest tablet. Not that I am any good at denying myself little treasures, but one thing I learned about myself this past year is that I get EXTREME pleasure from treasure hunting at flea markets and yard sales. Those pretty buttons, odd beads, and small machinery finds help feed my art habit. So, maybe I don’t need a new Michael Kors bag, but I can get my shopping on looking for just the right piece of bric-a-brac for the mixed media piece I’m working on. For instance, this didn’t cost a thing—my daughter had a fanfold of picture matting swatches—just the right size for tearing apart and making a bunch of painted bookmarks. I scarfed those up. TREASURE! Be expecting to see pictures of some of those in the coming months. 🙂
So, that’s my soft list of resolutions. Not a huge list, and I won’t attack them with any “all or nothing” ambition. Plus, I didn’t wait until the 1st to begin.
So, how about it? Do you have a “soft” resolution?
Something you’d love to do for yourself this coming year?
If you comment, you’ll be entered to win a small gift card. ~DD
My hubby and I want to go to Universal Studios next year for Christmas
I am going to be a bit more frugal. Save enough to go to a Clown Convention in Vegas.
Like you I’m trying to be healthiy. I started last june. Where I joined WW and I am down 36 lbs
I also bought myself a fitbit and am steadily increasing my steps . I am up to 7000 a day.
Glad you are okay and how do you like nutrisystem I.really like WW or I did. I’m still trying to get used to the new one they and Oprah rolled out
Just had a yearly check up last week and I’m healthy as a horse. Blood work good, chest x-ray perfect. And for a smoker like me, a perfect chest x-ray is awesome.
But………………I too need to lose a few pounds. O hell, more than a few. I need to lose around 50 or 60. Not saying that I will, but I am gonna work at it. And, like you, I’m going to dry to cut down on my smoking habit. Don’t do coffee, but my Dr. Peppers need to be cut in half.
I’m also going to try not to get so stressed or bent out of shape with things I have no control over. Retirement is suppose to be fun and most of the time it is. But I tend to stress and/or worry about things I can’t change. If I could just master that, I’d be one happy camper.
I love your idea of “soft” resolutions. I’m one of your “no resolutions” people, so this idea really appeals to me. My health is horrible and, since no doctor seems able (or even willing) to find a diagnosis as I continue to worsen and lose use of my extremities (knowing that my biological father died from this same malady – also without a diagnosis), I need something to stave off the worsening depression. So, my “soft” resolution is to do my very best to find something positive in each day – no matter what that is. Remember the positive. That’s my resolution. Is that okay? 🙂
Since I was diagnosed with Osteoarthritis in my knees and ankles, this year I’m going to challenge myself to exercise more and be more healthy.
well got the weight thing going….lost 75lbs last year, so 30 more to go and I think I got it figured out LOL. my biggest “resolution” is pay off debts and chill on the impulse spending so I can keep buying books 🙂
Well this year the doctor threatened me with insulin because my diabetes was out of control so I have lost 19 pounds since July. So I am going to continue to watch my diet….eating right instead of getting on the fad diet band wagon. Another promise is to keep moving(get up off the couch and move.) I have cut out my cokes and pasta but I have to watch myself cause they are my weakness. This will be my biggest challenge this next year but I have promised myself that I will do anything I can to not be put on insulin for my diabetes. A goal not a resolution….LOL 🙂
I plan to be more organized, get more exercise,and eat healthier.
Good afternoon Delilah
I generally don’t make resolutions but after reading your list of soft resolutions, I think I’m going to rethink this.
Here’s my thoughts:
1. Lose some weight, make an effort to take the stairs between floors. Or park out further in parking lots.
2. Get some of my credit cards paid off, even if it’s some of the small ones.
I need to give some more thought to this for sure…
Continued good wishes toward your goals Delilah.
My soft goals this year is to pay down debt and lose some weight. Glad to hear your doing well.
Too many too many how can any be small when all needs to be done but ..not let anyone bully me anymore is a start but considering I can’t even get away from home fussing and cussing me out is another chore to get through sighs .. xoxoxo thank you for the chance love
I plan on eating healthier and exercising more than I do now. I also think I am going to try and get some small bills paid off.
Hope to get my first book published!
This year is eat healthier and exercise more than I do now.
I’m sorry that you (kind of) got sick but am glad you made it to the hospital in time. That first hr is very important in recovery of a stroke.
As for my Resolution, I would also like to become more fit. I’m going to start belly dancing again. Try to eat more healthier.
Maybe learn to cook instead of making real simple things to eat.
Since I’m going to be taking a break in my education (I am totally burned out), my goal is to finish up other projects I’ve started and have not finished (in the last 2 to 3 yrs).
I’ve already started to work on saving money and paying off some of my bills (due to not sure if hubby will be keeping his job this coming year). But as long as he’s working the plan is to save, save and pay off bills.
I too would like to get more in shape. I’m ok with my weight but definitely need to tighten things up and that requires actually going to the gym.
Another goal is to finish writing my book. I’m awesome at researching and writing snippets but fail at putting it all together.
Procrastination is my nemesis.
Hubby and I both need to do something about getting more fit and healthy.
Much like you Delilah, I had a health scare. RIght before Thanksgiving I went to the dentist for oral surgery. He used Propofal (without my knowledge) to put me under and he used A LOT. I ended up in the hospital and then in an Acute Care Rehabilitation Center for a month. I am unable to walk anymore. I have braces on both legs from my waist down and I’m in a wheelchair. I do have the use of my arms back, and the strength back in my neck to control and hold my head up. I also have more balance back in my trunk area. With that being said, I have set some “soft Resolutions” for myself. Laying in a bed for a month gives a girl a WHOLE LOT OF TIME TO THINK, too much time actually. So here are mine.
1. Learn how to walk with these damn braces and a walker.
2. Hug and kiss my children EVERY DAMN DAY no matter how busy they, or I, may be.
3. Drink less coke and eat more healthy (if I can go without coke for a month, do I really NEED 4 or more in a day?)
4. Get my hubby that guys weekend in Vegas that he so richly deserves (he was with me the whole time while I was in the hospital, never left my side once. I think he earned this one!)
5. Be more kind to myself. More forgiving of my faults and failures.
I just want more time for myself. So, I’m going to delegate more & if it doesn’t get done, not on me.
This coming year I have 2 resolutions I would like to keep ♡ exercising/eating healthy and reading more. Thank you
exercise more
I enjoyed reading through all your soft resolutions! I especially liked hearing those of you who were going to “rethink” the whole setting goals idea. Maybe we can all manage to make some positive changes this coming year!
The winner of the gift card (chosen by random number generator) is…#19, Donamuree! Congrats! And I’ll be in contact shortly!