On August 21st, all kinds of yummy goodness will release all over online bookstores. That sound a little too graphic? Well, that was on purpose, because the stories in both series, Delta Blue and Delta Heat, are hot, raunchy sexfests that include BDSM and menages with friends. Both were previously released with Samhain, but have found new homes with Entangled. So, if you haven’t read them before, you’re in for a treat! And if you have, no worries because there’s more to come!
For a chance to win a $5 Amazon gift card, answer me this…
Which is your preference for hero? Blue or Fire?
Delta Blue
Click on the covers below to pre-order your copies!
Delta Fire
Click on the covers below to pre-order your copies!
That is a hard one for me to answer… I grew up with both!
I love both but I know a few pretty hot retired firemen so I’ll pick them this time. 🙂
I read all of the Delta Blue books, except Once is Never Enough, before I started following you on FB – I need to correct that!
I read the firemen stories after I started following you. Hotter With a Pole is one of my favorite books written by you. <3
I love the new covers and I'll be preordering these.
Love them both but if I had to choose I’d pick Blue! Can’t wait to read all of these stories and I love the new covers!
Blue for me!
Fire for sure. The color is eye catching and I think it fits the books.
I like both, but Fire is my first choice. 😉
I like both but I am going to pick fire bibbiesparks@yahoo.com