UPDATE: Too many winners to name here! 🙂
In June 15th’s blog, Our Silly Collections… (Contest), I shared a picture of one of my little collections (I am a collector of many odd things). I asked readers to send me photos of their collections to share and offered a prize to one person who shared. Enjoy the photos from these brave souls! And comment below to win a FREE download!
From Jen B.: Dice. These are only the fancy ones in my living room. I have others. I love dice because you play games with them and they are great for four math games.
From DD: I love these, Jen! I love how worn and misshapen some of them are. Many, many hands have touched them! Only never gift me with a piece because it would likely get a hole drilled into the piece so it could hang on a necklace or bracelet!
From Katherine Anderson: For me, it’s my crystal collection, each piece was given to me by someone, or belonged to one of my relatives who has passed and then left to me. Each one has a story and means something so that’s why this collection is my most special.
From DD: Katherine, the best collections begin as gifts and bequests! Love passed along. I love your crystals!
From Daun Ann Korty: I have two main collections, lighthouses and Wonder Woman.