UPDATE: The winner is…Shelley Russell!
Today’s the Hump-Day Contest — because we need an excuse for one, right?
But what can we compete over? How about the best excuse to call it a week on Wednesday and create a really long weekend for yourself? It doesn’t matter if Wednesday is like every other day to you because you don’t have a job, but pretend you’ve got the most awful boss and you’re inventing the lie to end all lies and make yourself legendary to your co-workers!
Yes, that’s it! The winner with the best, most legendary lie will win a $5 Amazon gift card. And hey, if it happens to be true, you’ll have our admiration!
My child woke up to her cat shredding a bunny rabbit on her bed. The cat tgen drug it through the house on my tan carpet.
Now my other daughter can’t stop throwing up.
When I woke up I couldn’t remember anything…where I was, what day it was or who I was……I figured if I went back to bed, it’d hell me remember.
Shelley! That’s a great one! I would buy it. It’s too horrid not to be true. LOL
Beverly! Amnesia is a great excuse!
One of the feral cats that live in our yard snuck into the house… made a huge mess and peed on my couch… I need time to clean all of it up! Lie?
Girly problems. Ya know that scene in the exorcist with vomit, yeah that, but with blood. I am feeling faint, and may pass out. A nest of rats may be in my abdomen, scratching to get out. Yeah, I won’t be in until Monday. Also, this will happen at least one time a month from this point on. (lie, though I know for some this is real)
Well you see, yesterday I had no internet. NONE, AT. All. My phone is part of that service so I couldn’t even call for help yesterday. OMG! Now I have an idea what would happen if an EM pulse should happened. I couldn’t do anything. Play my games. Read my kindle. Listen to Audible. Watch a movie on Prime. I felt like I should light a candle though we did still have electricity. But wow! No internet! I was traumatized! It is going to take me a while to get over it. I may be better next week, but I don’t know. It was terribly traumatic!
I have decided I need a mental health break because my credit card got stolen, my car broke down, I found something floating in the coffee I bought at Starbucks, my husband is heading home because he has the sh**s, the presentation I was working on is nowhere to be found on my laptop and, honestly, I am just waiting for the next shoe to drop. Me staying away from work is to protect anyone else from catching what I’ve got right now. See you Monday.
I just HAVE to help the delightful, young man moving in next door.
thought I was coming down with cold symptoms and was having difficulty sleeping, so drank too much cold medicine and ended up feeling worse and groggy the next day
Our house has been under siege by Rodents Of Unusual Size, and while setting up the siege catapults, someone accidentally set the backyard aflame, necessitating a visit from Miracle Max as well as the local fire department. They were…not amused…
Wahaha! Dead bunnies, siege catapults to kill rodents, handsome men… You all did a spectacular job “lying” your way out of work!
The winner of the gift card is…Shelley Russell because that could actually happen in this house!
Great lies, y’all!
Thank you so much for the gift.