Bestselling Author Delilah Devlin
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Archive for August 5th, 2023

Saturday Puzzle-Contest: Flea Market Finds
Saturday, August 5th, 2023

UPDATE: The winner is…Jennifer Beyer!

My daughter and I were having a coffee outside in the early morning the other day. During the summer, early mornings are the only times we have privacy for a chat because, you know, kids surround us all day long.

Anyway, we were talking and decided that this year is the first time we’re not eager to have school start so we have some peace. We’ve thoroughly enjoyed their company this summer. No huge blowouts. They’ve been so helpful in caring for the new chickens/ducks/geese, our horse, goats, and dogs. We didn’t take any big trips, but we did fill up the summer with visits to the theme park in Hot Springs, some nighttime concerts, movies, trips to the local water park, and of course, swimming in our own pool and movie/finger-food nights where we just nosh at home. It’s been an idyllic summer, actually. We’ll miss it once we’re in the hustle and bustle of getting them ready for school each day.

One thing I do look forward to doing more of once we’re “free” during the day is hitting the local flea market more often. I don’t ever do the grocery shopping. I don’t clothes shop—that’s what the Internet is for. The one place I do like to “noodle” around is the flea market. I love-love-love that my daughter has the same obsession.

We go with a thought toward adding to our “collections.” She collects ’70s/Mid-Century decor, plus vintage Pyrex. I currently hunt down vintage tins and vintage enamel bowls—especially those on the small side, 4″ to 6″ because they look wonderful, but I use them for organizing projects and storing art supplies. If I happen across a vintage ladies’ powder jar, I’m all over that, too.

I chose today’s image for the puzzle because that kind of display outside a junk shop would catch my eye for sure. I have a ton of vintage tins (mostly in better shape than these), but I’d root through everything, hoping to find hidden treasure.

So, for today’s challenge, solve the puzzle then tell me what sorts of items would catch your eye! Leave a comment for a chance to win a $5 Amazon gift card!