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Archive for August 30th, 2023

Word Search: A Blue Moon Tonight & Names of the Full Moons (Contest)
Wednesday, August 30th, 2023

UPDATE: The winner is…Kerry!

Tonight, be sure to step outside, and weather permitting, you’ll see a “super” blue moon!

What is that, you ask? Well, first, a blue moon isn’t actually blue. What it refers to is the appearance of a second full moon within a single month. What makes tonight’s “super?” A super moon occurs when the moon is closest to earth, and it makes it appear larger. So, tonight is a SUPER BLUE moon.

I’m a Cancer according to the astrological chart, so the Moon is my ruling planet. I pay attention to its phases, and I love to follow the pagan lore about the names of the full moons throughout the year. So, today’s puzzle, to commemorate the special moon tonight, is filled with the names of the year’s full moons.

Enjoy the puzzle! For a chance to win a $5 Amazon gift card, tell me whether you’ll step outside to view the blue moon tonight! If you “practice,” be sure to leave a clear jar of water outside in the moonlight! You’ll know what I mean. 🙂

Word Search: Names of the Full Moons