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Archive for December 9th, 2023

Saturday Puzzle-Contest: When winter comes…
Saturday, December 9th, 2023

UPDATE: The winner is…Loretta C. Rogers!

All but two gifts are bought. So, that stress is over. Now, the family and I are settling into the last days of school before the holiday begins. We haven’t started bingeing on Christmas movies. Hopefully, we’ll have time for one today.

In the meantime, the weather is dismal. Not nearly cold enough and rainy. So, the last leaves are still clinging to the trees, the grass is brown with patches of green. The horse and goats love that. The forecasts aren’t hopeful for a white Christmas.

So, the image I chose today is lovely, eerie, and wintery—just so I can get into the mood of the season. I think I need to stock up on hot chocolate and gingersnaps. Something to help fuel the holiday feel.

I love that so many of you seem to be enjoying my Christmas Advent giveaways on Facebook! We’ll keep it up until Christmas Eve!

In the meantime, for a chance to win a $5 Amazon gift card, solve the puzzle then offer your suggestions for holiday movies to watch. My daughter leans toward Hallmark Christmas movies. She vetoed the Krampus movie—and I don’t dare mention my favorite, Die Hard. So, any other suggestions will be appreciated!