Bestselling Author Delilah Devlin
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Archive for December 17th, 2023

Sunday Tarot & Open Contests!
Sunday, December 17th, 2023

This doesn’t necessarily mean I’m going to do something foolish this week. Let’s study the card. The god displayed here is kind of easy to guess. He’s wearing a crown of grape leaves and grapes. He has tiny horns on his head. So, he’s Dionysus, the god of so many fun things: wine, parties, insanity, theater, and more. See the eagle sitting on the branch above him? It’s likely his dad, Zeus, making sure young Dionysus doesn’t do something really stupid. There’s a cave behind him and the sun is rising in the background, so I’m assuming he was partying all night and is just coming out. Is he drunk and ready to fall? He looks too merry. I think he intends to jump.

What on earth does this mean for me? There’s a hint of impulsiveness and high spirits here. So, that falls in line with the plans for the week. The kids only have half a week of school, so they’ll be underfoot creating chaos. We’ll be cooking meals together. The adults’ Christmas (the kids give us gifts before Christmas so we can concentrate on Santa and their gifts on Christmas Day) will be sometime this coming weekend because of my SIL’s shift with the PD. So, there will definitely be some celebrating going on. I envision movie nights, fun dinners, game nights, etc. We’re a fun-loving crowd. What does this mean for work for me? I likely have to plan to get it done in the early hours of the day, before all my little chaos agents rise.

Open Contests

  1. Today is Letter Writing Day! (Contest)Last day to enter! Win a FREE book!
  2. Saturday Puzzle-Contest: When winter comes… — This one ends soon! Win an Amazon gift card!
  3. Favorite Christmas/Winter Holiday Movie Quote! (Contest) — Win an Amazon gift card!
  4. Saturday Puzzle-Contest — More Christmas Cheer — Win an Amazon gift card!