Bestselling Author Delilah Devlin
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Archive for December 20th, 2023

Word Search: Dr. Who Companions (Contest)
Wednesday, December 20th, 2023

UPDATE: The winner is Colleen C!

Tomorrow is International Dalek Remembrance Day! But since I’ll be hosting a guest tomorrow, I thought I might get you in the mood for the celebration. After all, it’s an important one! Yes, I’m waving my nerd flag again. I’m a Dr. Who fan, and the Daleks are iconic Dr. Who villains. If you’ve never watched Dr. Who, do yourself a favor and start with Eccleston’s Who and binge your way forward. You won’t regret it!

But anyway, even if you don’t know who Dr. Who is or know a Dalek from an Adiposian, we can still play a word search game!

I chose to honor the Companions, Dr. Who’s travel buddies, as the theme for the puzzle. Naturally, my favorite was Donna. Poor Donna. I could wax on about how funny and sad her story was, but let’s get to the puzzle.

For a chance to win a $5 Amazon gift card, solve the puzzle, then tell me whether you’ve watched Dr. Who, and if you have, which actor do you prefer in the role? For me, it’s David Tennant. The man has his heart in his puppy dog eyes.