Bestselling Author Delilah Devlin
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Archive for December 24th, 2023

The Countdown on Christmas Eve! Plus, Open Contests!
Sunday, December 24th, 2023

Last night was funny. We watched a comedy that just wasn’t great (The Family Plan), but we were all together, which was nice. The 10-year-old was stretched out on the rug in front of the Christmas tree, eyeing the presents under the tree. She’s so on edge, so ready for Santa to come. Whether she truly believes or not, she won’t let go of the thought of his existence because like I did with my kids, I told them that when the stop believing, he stops coming. So, my kids NEVER admitted they didn’t believe. And despite the fact she’s ten, and most of her friends have said they don’t believe, she still wants to leave out milk and cookies and carrots tonight. As soon as she heads to bed, Mom and the 19-year-old will be smuggling the Barbie Dream House into the living room and adding fairy lights to make it extra special sparkly. It’s fun for the older ones, too.

Then tomorrow morning, we have to get up at 4 AM. Why such a godawful time? The SIL’s night shift at the PD will end, and because we don’t want to torture him with getting up a couple of hours later because the 10-year-old can’t wait to open presents, we’ll instead wake her up early so he can participate while he’s still awake.

And you know what? I can’t wait for that alarm to go off. My job will be to make hot chocolate for everyone. My dd’s job will be to go around and turn on all the Christmas and fairy lights. Then we’ll shake the kid awake and tell her Santa came. I can’t wait!

BTW, if you’re looking for a GOOD Christmas movie to watch, try A Biltmore Christmas. It’s a Hallmark movie, so yes, it’s heavy on the sappy romance, but it was actually very good. Even the 19-year-old was in love with the hero by the end.

So, for those of you who celebrate Christmas, here’s wishing you a merry one!

Open Contests & Giveaways

  1. FREE Book! Close Encounter of the Carnal Kind! Get your copy!This ends soon! Get your FREE novelette before the offer expires!
  2. Word Search: Dr. Who Companions (Contest) — Win an Amazon gift card!
  3. Favorite Christmas Songs (Contest) — “I’m Just Ken” — What is this yummy goodness? — Win an Amazon gift card!
  4. Saturday Puzzle-Contest: Christmas Morning — Win an Amazon gift card!