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Saturday Puzzle-Contest: Why did the black bear cross the road?
Saturday, May 4th, 2024

UPDATE: The winner is…Joy Boutwell!

This was the excitement in our little town yesterday. A black bear showed up at the courthouse/jail then took a tour, winding up in a tree next to this law office. The local PD (including my SIL) had to use yellow tape to keep the public back. There was no letting the bear wander away on its own because…people. So, game and fish brought a tranq gun out to dart the bear and take him to a remote spot to release him. There were some lovely pictures of him up in the tree, but I can’t share them because I worry about copyright. This pic was so widely shared, I didn’t see the harm…

Anyway, back to today’s fun.

Because he was so lovely, and it was so exciting watching the posts on FB all day, the puzzle is a bear! Enjoy it!

For a chance to win a $5 Amazon gift card, what exciting interaction with wildlife has happened where you are?

20 comments to “Saturday Puzzle-Contest: Why did the black bear cross the road?”

  1. cindy
    · May 4th, 2024 at 11:00 am · Link

    This will depend on your definition of ‘wildlife’. Growing up, be spent a couple of weekends in the mountains as a family. 2 double beds were sufficient for 3 small kids and parents. Most cabins where we stayed we paneling or plywood covered with paneling. Paneling draws spiders. I remember one morning going outside (I was the first to go out) to discover the entire cabin was covered with daddy long-leg spiders. There were always a few, but not that many!

  2. Diane Sallans
    · May 4th, 2024 at 11:05 am · Link

    We occasionally have black bears that wander thru the area, I haven’t seen one myself but people post photos in local FB groups. I’ve seen deer in my backyard but not lately. Mostly I see rabbits, lots of birds (love the crows & raptors), fox and the resident groundhogs. Coyotes are around too.

  3. Debra S,
    · May 4th, 2024 at 11:24 am · Link

    I had 5 Hawks flying low almost could reach up and touch them if I was taller in circles above my house and when i went in to get my camera they were too high to get a picture of them.

  4. Pansy Petal
    · May 4th, 2024 at 11:38 am · Link

    Not much exciting wildlife stories happening in this neck of the woods, unless tourist count. They can be really stupid! But, when I was younger we lived in a wilder part of the state and had more than one encounter with wildlife. Like the evening the cougar came to dinner. Mom almost dropped dinner on the floor when she turned around and saw it in the tree outside the dining room window. Or having a bear stopping traffic to panhandle. Literally! It sat in the middle and of the road and wouldn’t let traffic pass until it got feed. I have a few more, but those are the most exciting. Living in the woods was fun!

  5. Anna Taylor Sweringen
    · May 4th, 2024 at 11:44 am · Link

    Mostly birds where I am. Once in awhile you might see a coyote.

  6. Debra Guyette
    · May 4th, 2024 at 12:39 pm · Link

    I have had several encounters with bears. Fortunately no too close.

  7. Colleen C.
    · May 4th, 2024 at 12:50 pm · Link

    I heard a baby bobcat crying for its mother early one morning this week… in the past, we had a pair of ducks that visited our pool all Spring… boy did they make a mess.

  8. Beth
    · May 4th, 2024 at 1:35 pm · Link

    The house I just sold, we used to get deer all the time and the last year or so they’ve had a bunny with them more often than not. Occasionally a raccoon. Sometimes a feral cat would have their litter in my shed. Going in the find little kittens every once in a while was fun. There was a bear raiding the garbage can for a couple years but he got hit by a car on the nearby state highway and none of the other bears in the area ever figured out that the garbage cans are meals. Right before I moved a bald eagle started nesting somewhere in the neighborhood or nearby. Could hear the calls daily. And for the past few months there were coyotes at night…most evenings being full of their noise if you had the window open.
    Where I live now, I’m actually on the highway instead of three blocks away and it’s one of the main passes through the mountains. So very busy during the day and not very unbusy at night. We have lots of small birds, couple of rabbits, four feral cats(of which three just got fixed and released back onto the property thanks to a friend who is involved in the rescue business). And one of the neighbors has an annoying rooster and sheep that have escaped into our back acres a couple times. But that’s about it here.

  9. kerry jo
    · May 4th, 2024 at 1:52 pm · Link

    last summer when in Colorado we saw a black bear on top of the dumpster trying to get in it

  10. Jennifer Beyer
    · May 4th, 2024 at 6:52 pm · Link

    I put a camera in my vegetable garden last year. We loved watching the foxes hang out in our yard each night. Then I caught a coyote in the yard! Now I’m worried about one of the foxes getting caught!

  11. Mary Preston
    · May 4th, 2024 at 7:50 pm · Link

    No wildlife as such here. A lot of birds that all attack when they have young.

  12. BN
    · May 4th, 2024 at 8:59 pm · Link


  13. Delilah
    · May 4th, 2024 at 9:56 pm · Link

    We’ve had plenty of wildlife adventures on our property here in the boonies. A couple of years ago, we had that baby fox with the injured leg that we rehabilitated and released. We’re pretty sure Todd took one of our chickens recently, but a fox has to eat…

    We have tons of dear who come to drink at our pond. They don’t seem to mind the goats or the horse. We’ve had tons of birds, including hawks and the occasional eagle.

    During the summer, we love to swim at dusk because we can float in the pool and watch the bats come out to feast on mosquitoes. I know it’s weird to be thrilled by that, but we love it.

  14. flchen
    · May 4th, 2024 at 11:01 pm · Link


    We mainly see a lot of deer and raccoons and rats (thankfully I don’t SEE the rats too often, but unfortunately I do HEAR them as they’re running in the attic or in the walls, and YES, we do have someone come to help trap and try to seal entry points but this is also part of the environment here, alas…)

  15. Beckie
    · May 5th, 2024 at 7:28 am · Link

    We had black bears near our house on Drummond Island multiple times. Fishers, and bobcats, and many more.

  16. pc
    · May 5th, 2024 at 5:30 pm · Link

    I’ve seen a a family of racoons (mama and 3 babies) at night running across the street where there’s a canyon.

  17. Mary McCoy
    · May 5th, 2024 at 6:26 pm · Link

    No bears here, just dozens of wild turkeys, deer, coyotes, possums and the occasional skunk, with hawks overhead daily.

  18. Sara
    · May 7th, 2024 at 7:54 pm · Link

    While visiting Lake Tahoe, NV had a run in with a black bear. We looked at each other, then I slowly backed away. It turn and ambled off. If it had not, I was ready to go in the glacier lake. Been cold but at least alive.

  19. Joy Boutwell
    · May 16th, 2024 at 9:14 pm · Link

    Just the normal – have a 3 1/2′ gator in the pond- he’ll move on to the river in a few days, always have deer, bobcats, raccoons, opossums, coyotes, eagles & armadillos wondering around. Every now and then a panther or bear will hang out.
    Last night the deer came in early and I hadn’t feed them yet so I went in to get the food. I wasn’t watching when I came out and we almost collided.

  20. Delilah
    · May 18th, 2024 at 9:25 am · Link

    I loved reading through your “animal” encounters! Thank you all for sharing!

    The winner of the gift card is…Joy Boutwell!

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