UPDATE: Phoebe didn’t realize the book went back up to $3.99. So she’s offering to send
free copies to anyone who leaves their email addresses in a comment!
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People frequently tell me they have an idea for a book that’s a sure bestseller, but then complain they lack the discipline to sit down and write. I love to write, so discipline isn’t required in my case, but passion is vital. No matter how amazing the initial idea might be, if the author tires of the story or loses affection for the characters, it will take forever to write or languish unfinished. That’s why an author needs to care passionately about her story from the first glimmer of an idea.
Several of my friends have a passion for gardening and have such beautiful yards to prove it. My sons are passionate about their music, and are wonderful musicians as a result. I know people who love dogs so dearly they participate in rescues and foster dogs waiting for a permanent home. Multiple passions make life even more exciting and some people have so many interests they have difficulty focusing on just one at a time.
A man recently asked me for advice. He had a sensational idea for a subject he cares about passionately and thought writing a book would be a fast way to make money to fund his research. I laughed, and suggested if Santa Anita were open, he’d have a better chance of turning a profit if he bet on the horses. He swore he wasn’t a gambler, but writers have to be. He truly thought he could write the book quickly, although he’d never written fiction, sell it and promptly pocket the money. Many people suffer under the same delusion and believe a book would be easy to write, if they only had the discipline to stay seated at their computers.
We may spend a year or more writing a book we love from the first sentence to the last and find no publisher shows even a particle of interest. That’s a real blow to our egos and bank accounts. In the past, authors could tuck an unsold story under the bed and begin another with the hope the rejected book would find an editor in a year or two.
Sometimes that strategy works. What one editor discounts as uninteresting, another will adore. With a finished manuscript, there’s always hope it will someday see the light of day and receive the acclaim we’re sure it deserves.
Now authors have a chance to Indie publish not only the backlist their publishers have allowed to go out of print, but new books as well. We can now write the book we truly want to write, hire an editor, pay for a professional cover and find success on our own. This is so exciting not only for writers, but readers as well.
In the 1990s, I wrote a four book historical series featuring a Virginia family. Fans begged for more, but the original publisher wasn’t interested. The beauty of writing a historical romance is that they never seem dated as a contemporary book might. The Hearts of Liberty series is now available as ebooks with a new fifth book to take the story into the next generation. The first book, SAVAGE DESTINY, a Native American romance, has received so many interesting reviews. Some people understand the Indian’s pride, love his story and are eager to continue reading the series. Others find my hero unsympathetic, and stop there. Thank goodness they’re in the minority!
I thank everyone who posts a review, and I’m delighted most are highly complimentary. Now the question is whether or not to write book 6 and 7. I love these characters, and could follow their adventures forever. So I have what it takes: Passion. SAVAGE DESTINY is available now as a free download. This is a great way to sample a writer you haven’t read, and explore your passion for books.
I just checked and it is 3.99. :/
Yes, I too was interested enough to check, but not to pay the $3.99. Sorry. Budget is tight, but this does sound like a nice read. Maybe some other time.
I’m so sorry! The price went up on February 1, and I wasn’t aware of it. Give me your email addresses, and I’ll send a free copy.
B&N and Amazon have it listed for 3.99. Sorry to have missed this book. I love books that feature Native Americans.
Good Morning:
I would love a copy. My e-mail address is lmjtgm at gmail dot com
I would like a copy if the offer is still on bibbiesparks@yahoo.com.